LRC on campus

Civil Rights and Title IX

You have options!

At Barton, Title IX is an important part of our civil rights equity policy. If you have concerns, please fill out the anonymous reporting form by clicking the button below.


If you'd like to speak to a Title IX representative or find out what options are available to you, please contact us at (620) 786-7441 or Learn more about Title IX:

  • Civil rights laws are generally federal laws that protect almost everyone from certain kinds of discrimination.
  • They protect against discrimination based on a personal characteristic, such as race, religion, sex/gender, age, disability, etc.
  • Title IX is one of these laws. It protects us against discrimination based on sex or gender in education.
  • Title IX was passed by Congress and signed into law in 1972. It reads as follows:

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Title IX protects all students and employees from discrimination, on the basis of sex, including sex stereotyping, in the form of:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Quid pro quo. This is when an employee or faculty want sexual favors from you in return for providing you something (letter of recommendation, good grade, etc.)
  • Sexual assault and nonconsensual sexual touching (excludes kissing)
  • Dating violence and domestic violence
  • Stalking
  • N.B.: The VAWA Reauthorization of 2022 changed the definition of domestic violence and other definitions.  Barton will update its policy when the new Title IX Regulations are finalized and published in 2023.

Other laws also impact sex- and gender-based discrimination:

How to Report a Title IX or Civil Rights Violation

How to Report a Title IX or Civil Rights Violation (Violation of Policy 1132)

If you report a violation or suspected violation, we will keep your case as private as possible. 

  • The best and easiest way to report is to the Title IX Coordinator, Cheryl Brown, in LRC, Room 138. Reports and messages may be left 24 hours a day at (620) 786-7441, or
  • If you report to a coach, instructor or any other employee, they must report this to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • If you want to report anonymously, please use the Anonymous Reporting form.
    • You do not have to include your name.
    • Please note:  employees may not remain anonymous.
    • Depending on the circumstances, we may not be able to respond effectively to anonymous reports.


If you need a victim advocate, please contact the Family Crisis Center at 866-792-1885 (24-hour crisis line)

  • The Family Crisis Center has agreed to provide these services to the college community in cases of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking
  • The advocate can help you in several ways, including filing papers with the court to get a court-issued Protection From Abuse (PFA) order, and going to court with you.

If you want to tell someone who will not tell anyone, you can talk to the following people confidentially:

  • Nurse Jennifer Bauer, Union, Room 206 - (620) 792-9233
  • Mental Health Counselor Jakki Maser, Library, Room 139 - (620) 792-9295
  • Victim Advocate from the Family Crisis Center in Great Bend - 24-hour free and confidential hotline: (866) 792-1885

You can also report to Officials With Authority (OWA).  At Barton, these people are:

  • Vice President of Student Services Angie Maddy, (620) 792-9322, ext. 322
  • Director of Human Relations Jenna Hoffman, (620) 792-9221, ext. 221
  • Director of Residential Life Jonathan Dietz, (620) 792-9271
  • Title IX Coordinator Cheryl Brown, (620) 786-7441

To file a report with OCR, please view OCR Short Webinar: How to File an OCR Complaint or How to File a Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

How to File a Complaint with the U.S. Department of Education

Watch the YouTube video on How to File a Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.

Title IX Information

About the Title IX Office
About the Title IX Office

Cheryl Brown
Title IX Coordinator
Learning Resource Center, L-138
245 NE 30 Rd
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 786-7441
Fax: (620) 786-1185

Angie Maddy Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Vice President of Student Services 
Learning Resource Center, L-137
245 NE 30 Road
Great Bend, KS 67530 
(620) 792-9322, ext. 322

Jenna Hoffman
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Director of Human Resources
Kirkman Building, P-116B
245 NE 30 Road
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-9275, ext. 275 

Title IX Representatives

The following Representatives have graciously agreed to serve as intermediaries between their respective campuses and the Title IX office in Great Bend. It may be easier to report if you have someone familiar to assist you. Just know you can always contact the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators directly.

Janet Balk
Fort Riley Title IX Representative
Academic Programs Building 211
P.O. Box 2463
Fort Riley, KS 66442
(785) 784-6606 ex. 762

Lindsay Holmes
Grandview Plaza Title IX Representative
Program Director
100 Continental Drive
Grandview Plaza, KS 66441
(866) 452-1108
Toll Free: (785) 238-8550 ext. 743

Erika Jenkins-Moss
Fort Leavenworth Title IX Representative
Director of Learning Services
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
(785) 784-6606 ext. 772 

External inquiries may be made to:
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Customer Service Hotline Number: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
TDD#: (877) 521-2172
Department of Education Title IX Webpage 

How to File a Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights 

Local OCR office contact information:
Kansas City Office Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut Street, 3rd floor, Suite 320
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 268-0550
Fax: (816) 268-0599
TDD: (800) 877-8339

For sites other than Kansas, visit the Federal Office of Civil Rights website.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Title IX and Civil Rights Policy at Barton
Title IX and Civil Rights Policy at Barton

Read the entire Civil Rights Equity which includes Title IX Policy.

How does Barton protect against violations of these laws?

  • Barton Policy 1132 sets out the protected categories and makes them part of Barton policy
  • All employees (staff and faculty) and students are required to follow this policy as a condition of their employment and enrollment
  • Barton has process for addressing violations of this policy:
    • The policy is on the Barton website for all to read
    • Barton has a Title IX Coordinator to receive complaints, and manage the investigation and adjudicatory processes
    • Barton offers online Title IX training to all students
    • Barton requires certain face-to-face students to complete online Title IX training
    • Barton requires annual Title IX training of all employees
    • The Title IX Coordinator is available to all employees and all students to help resolve issues before they become major complaints, as well as receive formal complaints
    • Barton works with local rape crisis centers so they can provide advocacy services to our employees and students

Barton’s Policy 1132 (p. 12) prohibits discrimination on the basis of the following characteristics:

  • Religion
  • Race
  • Personal appearance
  • Color
  • Sex
  • Pregnancy
  • Political affiliation
  • Source of income
  • Place of business
  • Residence
  • Religion
  • Creed
  • Ethnicity
  • National origin (including ancestry)
  • Citizenship status
  • Physical or mental disability (including perceived disability)
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Family responsibilities
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity
  • Gender expression
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Predisposing genetic characteristics
  • Veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran)
  • or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any grievance process on campus, with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or other human rights agencies.

Other Policies

Student Code of Conduct 
Student Handbook 
Barton’s Housing Handbook 

Barton's Grievance Process
Barton's Grievance Process

What happens after a report is made? 

  • The Title IX Coordinator will attempt to interview the complainant (the person who was allegedly harmed)
  • Supportive measures will be offered to the complainant
  • The complainant can choose to file a formal complaint, which may start an investigation.
  • Notice of Investigation and Allegations will be sent to all parties, and an investigation will begin.
    • Barton is required to dismiss a formal complaint in some circumstances.
    • Barton may dismiss a formal complaint in other circumstances.           
  • Under Process A, the parties can agree to Informal Resolution (IR), if appropriate.
  • Barton will hire an independent mediator to meet with the parties to arrive at a written resolution.
  • IR is appropriate when the Respondent accepts some degree of responsibility for causing the harm.
  • IR is 100% voluntary, and either party can opt out of IR at any time prior to signing a written resolution agreement.
  • If either or both parties opt out before resolution, the investigation and hearing will continue.
  • The parties get one try only at IR. 

Barton has two separate processes to administer Title IX and other Civil Rights equity complaints.

Process A (begins p. 27)

Process B (begins p. 68)

This is the process required by the Department of Education in new rules effective August 14, 2020, in cases of sexual harassment involving:

  • Process A applies only to qualifying allegations of sexual harassment, including
    • unwelcome conduct constituting sexual harassment
    • sexual assault,
    • dating violence,
    • domestic violence, and
    • stalking, as defined above)
    • involving students, staff, administrator, or faculty members.

Under Process A, the parties can choose Informal Resolution (IR), if appropriate.

  • Barton will hire an independent mediator to meet with the parties to arrive at a written resolution.
  • IR is appropriate when the Respondent accepts some degree of responsibility for causing the harm.
  • IR is 100% voluntary, and either party can opt out of IR at any time prior to signing a written resolution agreement.
  • If either or both parties opt out before resolution, the investigation and hearing will continue.

Process B:

  • Process B applies to the remainder of Title IX and Civil Rights allegations, such as discrimination based on race, age, pregnancy, etc.  The remainder of Title IX includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Retaliation – especially if someone reported violations
    • Some forms of sexually-based bullying
    • The remainder of Title IX includes sexual exploitation, which can include:
      • Invasion of sexual privacy, and going beyond the bounds of consent (Example: secretly letting your friend hide in the closet and watch you having consensual sex with someone
      • Recording, photographing, sharing, or disseminating nude, sexual and/or private images without the consent of the other party(s)
      • Knowingly or recklessly exposing someone to or transmitting an STI/STD or HIV to another
      • Knowingly or recklessly exposing your genitals or inducing another to expose their genitals
      • Nonconsensual sexting—may be a felony under federal and/or state law.  If with a minor, sexting may be considered child pornography.
      • Voyeurism—non-consensually watching private or intimate acts of another
      • Sex trafficking or prostituting another
Title IX Training at Barton
Title IX Training at Barton


All Barton students are offered Title IX training annually.  Some students on the Great Bend campus are required to complete Title IX training.  These include athletes, housing residents, student employees, student performers, and scholarship recipients.


Every employees is required to complete Title IX training annually.  Also, except for the nurse and mental health counselor, every employee is a mandatory reporter

Title IX Team Training

Effective August 14, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education issued new regulations which can be found at 34 CFR Part 106.4(b)(10).  Among these is the requirement that each school post copies of materials used to train those people who are part of the Title IX process.  Barton will comply as those trainings occur on or after August 14, 2020.  Barton’s investigators and Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators have received training from Atixa prior to August 14, 2020.

Title IX Coordinator

Employee Title IX Training Materials (Kansas HB 2105)
Employee Title IX Training Materials (Kansas HB 2105)

Kansas HB 2105

The following are based or may be based on various federal laws, such as Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, VAWA, Clery Act, etc., as well as federal case law.

Notice of Non-Discrimination 

As of July 1, 2024, Barton’s employee Title IX and other Human Resources required trainings will be offered via a third-party provider through Barton’s liability insurance carrier. Their materials are provided below. Barton is developing an in-house Title IX training for students which will be posted here after it is finalized. For further information, please contact

Title IX Training (Provided by Global Compliance Network)

Approximate Time: 15 min
Date Last Updated: 6-5-2024

Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving Federal assistance. For over three decades, Title IX has worked to promote equality in educational opportunities, yet it continues to face opposition. This tutorial will discuss the impact and importance of Title IX in schools. We will also discuss how to stay in compliance with the law. In this tutorial, you will learn the following objectives. - What is Title IX? - 10 Key Areas Addressed by the Law - Who Enforces Title IX? - How to File a Complaint - Grievance Procedures - Filing with the OCR; and the Updated 2024 Regulations. Updated 6/5/2024 to address the scope and definition of Sex Discrimination and Sex-based Harassment. Covers notification requirements referenced under Pennsylvania statues 106.40 and 106.44.

Slide 1: Introduction

Title IX, part of the 1972 Education Amendments, prohibits gender-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. It has promoted educational equality for over 40 years, despite ongoing challenges. The U.S. Department of Education's regulations help schools meet Title IX requirements while allowing flexibility based on their unique characteristics. This tutorial covers Title IX's impact on schools and compliance strategies.

Slide 2: Objectives

This tutorial will cover: ~What is Title IX? ~10 Key Areas Addressed by the Law ~Enforcement of Title IX ~How to File a Complaint ~Grievance Procedures ~OCR Filing and 2024 Regulation Updates

Slide 3: What is Title IX?

Title IX ensures no one in the U.S. is discriminated against based on sex in any education program or activity receiving federal assistance. Federally backed agencies include school districts, post-secondary institutions, and other educational organizations, which must operate without discrimination. Updates extend protections to include sex characteristics, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Schools must inform students, employees, and applicants of their nondiscrimination policies and maintain confidentiality, with exceptions like parental consent.

Slide 4: Scope of Title IX

Title IX covers: ~Recruitment, admissions, and counseling ~Financial assistance ~Treatment of pregnant and parenting students ~Discipline ~Single-sex education ~Employment. Retaliation for opposing discriminatory practices or participating in complaint actions is prohibited.

Slide 5: 10 Key Areas Addressed by the Law

Title IX addresses: 1.Access to Higher Education 2.Athletics 3.Career Education 4.Education for Pregnant Students 5.Employment 6.Learning Environment 7.Math and Science 8.Sexual Harassment 9.Standardized Testing 10.Technology

Slide 6: Access to Higher Education

Before the 1970s, many colleges limited female admissions. Title IX expanded educational opportunities for women, leading to increased degrees in traditionally male-dominated fields and economic progress.

Slide 7: Recruitment

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in recruitment or admission in vocational, professional, graduate, and public education institutions. It also bans discrimination in counseling and guidance for students.

Slide 8: Financial Assistance

Institutions cannot discriminate based on sex in financial assistance. Exceptions include: ~Awards created by wills, trusts, or foreign governments, provided they are nondiscriminatory overall ~Study awards for foreign institutions if comparable opportunities exist for the other sex ~Athletic financial assistance

Slide 9: Athletic Opportunities for Women

Title IX requires equal athletic opportunities for women, demonstrated by any one of the following: ~Proportional participation ~History of expanding opportunities for underrepresented genders ~Meeting the interests and abilities of female students

Slide 10: Career Education

Schools cannot limit access to career training based on gender, ensuring both males and females can pursue vocational training of their choice.

Slide 11: Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Title IX requires schools to accommodate pregnant students by: ~Excusing medically necessary absences ~Providing special services (e.g., homebound instruction) similar to those for other temporarily disabled students ~Requiring medical certification only if also required for other students Updates mandate reasonable modifications for pregnancy-related conditions, lactation breaks, and private lactation spaces for students and employees. Schools must inform students of their rights and cannot disclose personal information without consent, except in limited cases.

Slide 12: Employment

Title IX has increased employment opportunities for women in education, though gaps in top positions and equal wages remain. Despite continuing under-representation in top educational positions and in equal wages, Title IX has allowed these gaps to narrow.

Slide 13: Learning Environment

Schools must provide a learning environment free of harmful gender stereotypes, treating all students equally and encouraging diverse career aspirations. A school must not separate or treat people differently based on sex in a manner that subjects them to more than de minimis harm, except in limited circumstances permitted by Title IX.

Slide 14: Single-Sex Classrooms and Schools

While generally prohibited, single-sex education is allowed for specific needs or to improve achievement, with voluntary enrollment and equal coeducational options.

Slide 15: Science and Technology

Title IX combats stereotypes about women's abilities in math and science, ensuring equal opportunities and preparation for careers in these fields. Title IX also ensures women have equal access to computer courses and technology, vital for future job opportunities.

Slide 16: Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive as to limit a student's ability to participate in, or benefit from, the educational program, or which creates a hostile educational environment. The definition of sexual harassment has been updated to include acts of: ~Sexual assault ~Dating violence ~Domestic violence ~Stalking ~Quid pro quo

Slide 17: Examples of Sexual Harassment

Examples of sexual harassment or conduct include: Making sexual propositions or pressuring students for sexual favors; Touching or writing graffiti of a sexual nature; Displaying or distributing sexually explicit drawings, pictures, or written materials; Performing sexual gestures or touching oneself sexually in front of others; Telling sexual or dirty jokes; Spreading sexual rumors or rating other students as to sexual activity or performance; or Circulating or showing e-mails or websites of a sexual nature.

Slide 18: Updates to Title IX Protections

As of April 2024, Title IX updates include: ~Clear, accessible reporting options for sexual harassment ~Empowering survivors to decide how schools respond ~Supportive measures like class reassignments or no-contact orders ~Addressing sex-based hostile environments, even if off-campus or outside the U.S. ~Prompt response by K-12 schools when any employee is aware of harassment ~Colleges responsible for off-campus harassment at school-sanctioned fraternities and sororities ~Fairness in college proceedings, with rights to notice, advisors, and cross-examination ~Protecting survivors from facing the accused or answering personal questions during hearings ~Choosing between "preponderance of evidence" or "clear and convincing evidence" standards ~"Rape shield" protections and no requirement to divulge privileged records ~No intimidation or retaliation against those reporting or participating in Title IX processes ~Equal appeal rights for both parties ~Flexibility to use technology for investigations and hearings ~Prohibition against using Title IX to infringe on First Amendment rights ~Option for a single-investigator model in grievance procedures

Slide 19: Sexual Harassment

Courts require proof that a school official was aware of the harassment. While OCR has adopted a "knew or should have known [about the harassing behavior] standard" in their enforcement criteria, in practice that Office has stated that the school is always given actual notice and an opportunity to take corrective action. Schools must investigate and take prompt, fair action to stop and prevent recurrence. If initial responses fail, escalating measures are expected. If student misconduct does not qualify as sexual harassment, other disciplinary actions may be taken for behaviors like obscene language, inappropriate contact, or possession of pornography.

Slide 20: Standardized Testing

Under Title IX, standardized testing must be developed as an unbiased predictor of academic success. The types of questions and their wording must reasonably reflect the areas which are being tested. If a test doesn't meet that standard and yields disproportionately lower test results among members of one gender, the test may be unlawful.

Slide 21: Who Enforces Title IX?

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX by investigating complaints and providing guidance for voluntary compliance. Schools have the option to offer an informal resolution process for sex discrimination complaints, unless the complaint includes allegations that an employee engaged in sex-based harassment of an elementary school or secondary school student, or unless such a process would conflict with federal, state or local law.

Slide 22: Title IX Coordinator

Title IX Coordinator Title IX mandates that districts designate a "Title IX Coordinator" to ensure compliance. Schools should update this information annually and provide multiple contact points (phone, email, office address).

Confidential Employees The 2024 regulations define three categories of confidential employees who do not need to notify the Title IX coordinator about potential sex discrimination. These employees must inform individuals about their confidentiality, how to contact the Title IX coordinator, make a complaint, and get help.

Decreased Autonomy for Title IX Coordinators Under the 2024 regulations, the Title IX coordinator can only initiate a complaint if the conduct poses a serious health or safety threat or hinders equal access to the school's programs based on sex.

Slide 23: How to File a Complaint

Schools are required to adopt and publish internal grievance procedures in handling violation complaints promptly and fairly. Anyone who believes there has been an act of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual violence, may file a complaint with their Title IX Coordinator within 180 days of the last act of alleged discrimination. This complaint can come from a victim of discrimination or on behalf of another person or group.

Slide 24: Grievance Procedures

Schools must offer supportive measures to maintain access to education during grievance procedures. These measures cannot be punitive or overly burdensome. 1.Complainants have the right to: oPresent their case oAn impartial investigation oEqual opportunity to present evidence and witnesses oEqual appeal processes for both parties oParents and guardians can act on behalf of minors 2.Complainants must be informed of: oInvestigation timeline oComplaint outcome oAppeal process, if applicable 3.Complaints are decided using a "preponderance of the evidence" standard. 4.Complainants have the right to written notification of the outcome. 5.Informal resolution methods, like mediation, are allowed but not for sexual assault cases. Complainants can end informal processes anytime to start formal proceedings.

Slide 25: Filing with the OCR

While internal grievances are preferred, complainants are not required to use them before filing with the OCR. If a complainant uses both an institutional process and files with OCR, the OCR complaint must be filed within 60 days of the last act of the institutional process. Otherwise, the OCR complaint should be filed within 180 days of the incident. Additionally, a complainant may file a lawsuit seeking damages.

Slide 26: Additional Information

For additional information about Title IX, filing a complaint directly with the OCR, or a copy of the regulations which detail the requirements of Title IX, write or phone the OCR enforcement office which serves your state or territory, or you may call 1-800-421-3481 or visit

Slide 27: Question 1

Single-sex education is no longer allowed in any situation.



Although generally prohibited, single-sex education is allowed for specific needs or to improve achievement, with voluntary enrollment and equal coeducational options.

Slide 28: Question 2

Public Charter Schools are required to comply with all aspects of Title IX discussed above.



TRUE. All public educational programs, including regular, charter, alternative, magnet or other special schools, are required to follow Title IX's requirements.

Slide 29: Question 3

Courts require proof that a school official was aware of the harassment.



Slide 30: Question 4

The Department of Education Office of Civil Rights enforces Title IX regulations.



TRUE. The Department of Education OCR is responsible for enforcing Title IX.

Slide 31: Question 5

Schools are required to adopt and publish internal grievance procedures in handling violation complaints.



TRUE. Internal grievance procedures must be established, published school-wide, and available through the Title IX coordinator.


iLearning Industries Training (Sexual Harassement and Discrimination)

Illinois Supervisor Script

Illinois Employee Script

Countrywide Supervisor Script

Countrywide Employee Script

Supportive Measures and Resources
Supportive Measures and Resources

Supportive Measures Under Policy 1132

  • Barton will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive measures to the parties upon notice of alleged harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation.
    • Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the parties. These are meant to restore or preserve access to Barton’s education program or activity, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or Barton’s educational environment, and/or deter harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation.
    • The Title IX Coordinator promptly makes supportive measures available to the parties upon receiving notice or a complaint.
    • At the time that supportive measures are offered, Barton will inform the Complainant, in writing, that they may file a formal complaint with Barton either at that time or in the future, if they have not done so already.
    • The Title IX Coordinator works with the Complainant to ensure that their wishes are taken into account with respect to the supportive measures that are planned and implemented.
  • Barton will maintain the privacy of the supportive measures as much as possible, as long as privacy does not impair Barton’s ability to provide the supportive measures.
    •  Barton will act to ensure as minimal an academic/occupational impact on the parties as possible.
    • Barton will implement measures in a way that does not unreasonably burden the other party.
  •  These actions may include, but are not limited to:
    • Referral to counseling, medical, and/or other healthcare services
    • Referral to community-based service providers
    • Student financial aid counseling
    • Education to the institutional community or community subgroup(s)
    • Altering campus housing assignment(s)
    • Altering work arrangements for employees and student-employees
    • Safety planning
    • Providing campus safety escorts
    • Implementing contact limitations (no contact orders) between the parties
    • Academic support, extensions of deadlines, or other course/program-related adjustments
    • Trespass, Persona Non Grata (PNG), or Be-On-the-Lookout (BOLO) orders
    • Timely Warnings
    • Class schedule modifications, withdrawals, or leaves of absence
    • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus June 2020 version.
    • Any other actions deemed appropriate by the Title IX Coordinator

Barton Campus Resources

  • Title IX Coordinator, Cheryl Brown - (620) 786-7441
  • Campus Safety Officers - (620) 792-9217
  • Mental Health Counselor - (620) 792-9295
  • Nurse’s Office - (620) 792-9233
  • Office of Student Affairs - (620) 792-9226                                  

Community Resources – Barton County Campus

Barton County Health Department
1300 Kansas Avenue
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 793-1902
Family Planning and Birth Control (sliding fee scale), STD and HIV tests, blood tests, immunizations, smoking cessation, and much more
Monday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

University of Kansas Health Systems
Emergency and Medical Services                                          
514 Cleveland Street
Great Bend, Kansas
(620) 792-8833
Emergency Room and Hospital Services
Open 24/7

Clara Barton Medical Center
Hospital, Emergency, Outpatient and Medical Services
250 W. 9th Street
Hoisington KS 67544
(620) 653-2114       

Clara Barton Medical Clinic
906 McKinley
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 793-6990
Monday-Friday: 7 a.m.-5 p.m.         

Xpress Wellness Urgent Care
3800 10th Street
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 603-4216
Urgent Care, and Primary Care and Family Medicine:
Monday-Saturday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Sunday: 1 p.m.-7 p.m.    

St. Rose Convenient Care
3515 Broadway Avenue
Great Bend KS 97530
(620) 792-2511
Monday-Friday: 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Holidays: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)
Walk-in for a Full Range of Health Conditions  

Heart of Kansas
1905 19th Street
Great Bend, Kansas
(620) 792-5700
Sliding scale services:  Medical, Dental, Behavioral, and Vouchers for other specialty services
Dental: (620) 603-6838

Family Crisis Center
1924 Broadway Avenue
Great Bend, Kansas
(620) 792-1885
(866) 792-1885

Drug and Alcohol Abuse
(620) 792-5152

Counseling for All General Mental Health Concerns

The Center for Counseling & 24/7 Crisis Care
(620) 792-2544

Avenues for Change
(620) 796-2206
809 S Patton Rd.
Great Bend, KS 67530

Heart of Kansas Family Health
1905 19th St.
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-5700

Mental Health Resources

These can change quickly, so it is best to google “Mental Health Resources Great Bend KS” or speak to Barton’s Mental Health Counselor for others for recommendations.

Resources – Fort Riley

Barton Fort Riley Campus Title IX Office
Janet Balk
Fort Riley Title IX Representative
Academic Programs Building 211, P.O. Box 2463
Fort Riley, KS 66442-0463
(785) 784-6606 ex. 762

Fort Riley Crisis Center
(800) 727-2785

SHARP 24/7 Hotline
(785) 307-9338

SHARP Office
(785) 239-2277
(785) 239-3379

Resources – Grandview Plaza and Junction City

Barton Grandview Plaza Campus Title IX Office
Lindsay Holmes, Title IX Representative
Program Director
100 Continental Drive
Grandview Plaza, KS 66441
(866) 452-1108
Toll Free: (785) 238-8550 ext. 743

Pawnee Mental Health Services
814 Caroline Avenue
Junction City, Kansas
(785) 762-5250

Family Care Centre of Junction City
132 Eisenhower Drive
Junction City, Kansas
(785) 762-4210

Geary Community Hospital
1102 St. Mary’s Road
Junction City, Kansas
(785) 238-4131

The Crisis Center
(785) 539-2785 - Manhattan
(785) 762-8835 - Junction City
(800) 727-2785 - Other Areas

Resources – Fort Leavenworth

Barton Fort Leavenworth Campus Title IX Office
Erika Jenkins-Moss, Title IX Representative
Director of Learning Services
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
(785) 784-6606 ext. 772

SARC 24/7 Hotline
(913) 683-144

St. John Hospital
3500 S. 4th Street
Leavenworth, Kansas
(913) 680-6000

Saint Luke’s Primary Care – Cushing 
1001 6th Ave Cushing Medical Plaza Suite 320
Leavenworth, KS 66048 
Phone: (913) 651-6565
Fax: (913) 772-8806

The Guidance Center
500 Limit Street
Leavenworth, Kansas
(913) 682-5118


Alliance Against Family Violence (Unaccredited)
City: Leavenworth, Kansas
Counties Served: Leavenworth
Services: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Crisis Hotline Number: (913) 675-7217 

For all Kansas Sexual and Domestic Violence Service Providers:
Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence 

Resources – State and National

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
(888) 363-2287

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
(800) 656-HOPE (4673)

Kansas Legal Services
(800) 723-6953 

For male survivors of sexual abuse: 

For LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence:

LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence


Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Fact Sheet on Supporting Intersex Students, October 2021: Supporting Intersex Students: A Resource for Students, Families, and Educators 

U.S. Department of Education Resources for LGBTQ+ Students - The Department of Education has stated that its Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will enforce Title IX to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in light of Bostock v. Clayton County.

Sharing Your Pronouns      

LGBTQ Inclusion at Work (source: University of Maryland)

Pregnancy and Parenting
Pregnancy and Parenting
  • You are entitled to temporary disability reasonable accommodations as a result of temporary diagnosed medical conditions of your pregnancy.
  • Documentation from your medical provider is required.
  • Accommodations might include, but are not limited to, academic adjustments, special services, the right to excused absence or leaves of absence when medically necessary, the ability to make up missed work, and the right to be protected from pregnancy harassment, and special seating to accommodate pregnancy.
  • If, for example, you are put on bed rest for the two months prior to delivery, you may need to take a leave of absence unless the faculty are able to accommodate remote learning for all courses during that time period without a fundamental course alteration or an undue hardship. Disability services staff would need to work on this with you and the faculty. The student who takes the leave of absence must be allowed to return to the institution at the same place they left off without academic or financial penalty. That can be accomplished a variety of different ways depending upon the academic program and point in the term when the leave takes place.
  • To request temporary medical academic accommodations or adjustments due to medically diagnosed conditions of pregnancy, please contact Barton’s Disability Services.
  • If you have a complaint about accommodations, please contact Cheryl Brown, the Title IX Coordinator at or (620) 786-7441
  • Complaints are resolved in accordance with Barton’s Civil Rights Equity Policy, using Process B. 
  • Review Barton’s grievance procedure for students to file complaints of sex discrimination, including pregnancy-related complaints.

For more information, pregnant students can also visit:                  

If you (student or employee) require a lactation room in which to nurse or pump, please use F-25.  If in use or if inconvenient, contact Cheryl Brown at (620) 786-7441 or

Pregnant Employees are covered by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act beginning June 27, 2023, and by Title IX

Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc. 

  • Discusses federal laws
  • Some resources, including in Spanish

Pumping at Work

  • The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to provide reasonable break time for a nursing employee to express breast milk for their nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time the employee needs to express breast milk.
  • Employers must provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by the employee to express breast milk. 
  • Barton has a lactation room for this purpose in F-25
  • FLSA Protections to Pump at Work 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has an office on Women’s Health. Visit for resources for Nursing Moms at Work.


Title IX requires gender equity in athletics

  • This means Barton must provide equal athletic opportunities for members of both sexes, and provide them equal benefits, opportunities and treatment. This includes equipment and supplies, game and practice times, travel allowances, coaching, locker rooms, assignment and compensation of coaches, practice and competitive facilities, and publicity.
  • Barton must provide information annually to the federal government about all of these areas. Check out the Equity in Athletics Data Analysis for more information. 

Barton must provide information annually to the federal government about all of these areas. Check out the Equity in Athletics Data Analysis for more information.