On-Campus Openings
Visit the Employment Opportunities page to view and apply.
Please note: students will need to select "Student Employment" from the Search dropdown menu to view student specific positions.
Most recent posting are listed at the top; Please review the Student Employment Eligibility Criteria.
Student Employment
Student employees are paid once a month, as part of the hourly payroll, on the first Friday of every month. Prior to starting work, student employees must complete the required payroll forms, in their entirety, in the Office of Human Resources. Prior to each payroll, students must turn in their completed time sheets to the Office of Human Resources for processing by the designated deadlines. On payday, paychecks will be distributed to student employees by the Business Office. The Business Office is located in the office complex of the Kirkman Visitor Center. The Business Office may be reached by telephone at (620) 792-9316. For more information on pay periods, turn-in times, or pay dates, please refer to the Hourly Employees Pay Calendar. A copy of this calendar may be obtained from the student employee's supervisor, the Office of Human Resources, the Business Office.
Equal Employment Opportunity, Equal Education Opportunity and Affirmative Action
To provide equal employment, advancement and learning opportunities to all individuals, employment and student admission decisions at Barton will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. Barton County Community College does not discriminate on the basis of any characteristic protected by law in all aspects of employment and admission in its education programs or activities. Any person having inquiries concerning Barton County Community College's non-discrimination compliance policy, including the application of Equal Opportunity Employment, Titles IV, VI, VII, IX, Section 504 and the implementing regulations, is directed to contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator, Barton County Community College, Room L-139, Great Bend, Kansas 67530 (620) 786-7441, or visit bartonccc.edu/title-ix. Any person may also contact the Director, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20201.
(Revised and approved by President on 12/1/06)
Helpful Links
Guidelines for Student Employee Interview Process
Sample of Interview Questions
Student Employee/Supervision
Confidentiality Form for Student Employment